Building Energy Efficiency:
An Enormous Social &
Investment Opportunity
Rising energy demand coupled with urgent needs to drastically reduce/eliminate carbon emissions:
Global energy consumption is expected to rise 50% by 2050, yet the world needs to cut emission by 50% per decade to keep temperature rise under 2o C scenario. Most countries had signed up in Paris Agreement to cut carbon emissions by half by 2030 and reach Net Zero Energy by 2050
Building energy efficiency (EE) is a vast, untapped sector for Net Zero:
- Improve energy efficiency first could dramatically reduce the actual need for renewables. Energy efficiency represents the “first fuel” (zero emission, lowest cost) and 40% of the world’s carbon emission abatement budget by 20401
Building EE is the largest advanced/clean energy market in the U.S. generating $94.5B sales in 2020, according to Advanced Energy Alliance
IEA estimated that by 2050 the world could cut 87% greenhouse gas emissions from buildings by pairing energy efficiency and onsite power technologies that are already available
1Source: IEA, “Energy Efficiency 2021 Report”.
2Source: “Energy-as-a-Service Market Forecast”, Verified Market Research, 2022.
Project NOT funding availability is the key bottleneck:
Global green project funding has been surging in recent years and can finance many more energy efficiency projects
EaaS is emerging rapidly as the preferred format for energy upgrades:
EaaS is now a $22B market and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 30.2% between 2021 and 2028